Madeline Kirschner


My educational background…
BLA from Louisiana State University

I'm from…
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Why Copley Wolff?
I joined Copley Wolff because of their artful approach to spaces that serve a range of people. I admire the playfulness, color, and inclusivity that they incorporate into their designs.

I’m drawn to design because…
I understand the implications space has on the health and wellness of humans. I enjoy learning how details can make ordinary spaces shine.

My earliest design memory is…
Coloring square houses with one tree in the front

A place that has affected me is…
New Orleans- The culture of street parades and community care are experiences that I would love to see elsewhere.

On my playlist is…
Podcasts from other Landscape Architects, The Landscape Nerd + Design Unmuted are two of my favorites.

Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…

Highlighted Projects:
Mary Ellen McCormack and Scituate Harbor Park