Jennifer Martel


My educational background…
BA East Asian Studies from The George Washington University; MLA from Rhode Island School of Design.

I'm from…
Southern New Hampshire, but lived in Philadelphia for 10 years and currently live in Exeter, NH.

Why Copley Wolff?
For many years, I admired Copley Wolff's Instagram feed before finally applying to work here. I was particularly drawn to the vibrant community spaces that were featured. The firm's reputation for creating innovative and sustainable landscapes, as well as its size and flexible working environment, made me feel comfortable and confident in my ability to contribute to the team.

My earliest design memory is…
Sculpting dirt in the playground sandbox during my brother's little league games.

A place that has affected me is…
Kyoto, Japan. The connection between people, architecture, and nature that I experienced travelling there inspired me to explore landscape architecture as a career.

In my spare time…
Gardening and yardwork is my unicorn space. I'm one of the weirdos who enjoys mowing the lawn. In the winter, I enjoy skiing and snow shoeing.

My favorite local restaurants are…
Il Cornicello in Exeter, NH

My favorite park is…
Sister Cities Park in Philadelphia.

My favorite show/movie/book is…
Just re-watched Breaking Bad with my teenager - so good!

Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
interior designer

A fun fact about me…
I've taken a few classes on dry stone walling and built a 30'-long dry stone retaining wall with the help of my then five year old.

Highlighted Projects:
Court Square, Lynn Parks, and Bunker Hill Housing