Ian Ramey


My educational background…
BS in Landscape Architecture from UMass Amherst

I'm from…
Southwick, Mass - AKA the 413

Why Copley Wolff?
I love the diversity of project types, and the fact that most of our work is hyper local to Boston which allows us to have an active hand in shaping our city for the better

I’m drawn to design because…
I get transported into the spaces I'm sketching

My earliest design memory is…
Designing and building forts in the woods with my friends, also Legos

My favorite aspect of working with clients is…
Building relationships and developing a trust that they can count on me

A place that has affected me is…
The woods of western mass

On my playlist is…
Indie 1.0 on sirius/xm or anything from Newport Folk Fest

In my spare time…
Attempting complicated recipes, watching my kids play sports, snowboarding, gardening

My favorite food is…
Fresh caught seafood

My favorite local restaurants are…
Scutra in Arlington

My favorite park is…
Glacier National Park is amazing, Villa Lante is another favorite

My favorite show/movie/book is…
Show - Arrested Development, Book - The Dharma Bums, Movie - The Last Waltz

Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
Pro BMX rider

Highlighted Projects:
Pynchon, The Mark, MGM, Court Square, and Boynton Yards