Andrew Arbaugh


My educational background…
BA in Geography from Bucknell University; MLA from Rhode Island School of Design.

I'm from…
Jacksonville, Florida

Why Copley Wolff?
it's inspiring to be surrounded by a community of people who care about great design, without all the attitude...

I’m drawn to design because…
it's problem-solving that has the ability to improve people's lives

My earliest design memory is…
building elaborate cityscapes in my sandbox

My favorite aspect of working with clients is…
learning something specific and weaving it into the design

A place that has affected me is…
working college summers at a boathouse on Lake George, NY.

On my playlist is…
Modest Mouse, Sufjan Stevens, Orville Peck, Talking Heads

In my spare time…
trying (and failing) to keep up with my twin boys.

My favorite food is…
a great chocolate chip cookie.

My favorite local restaurants are…
Sarma, hands down.

My favorite show/movie/book is…
Parks and Recreation (after season 1)

Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
a meteorologist. It was the only job I knew would allow me to stand in front of a map.

A fun fact about me…
I once had a job restoring Civil War-era cannon on Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor.

Highlighted projects:
King Open, Assembly Row, Southline, Burlington Mall, Bunker Hill, Mary Ellen McCormack