Sabrina Miller


My educational background…
BS in Landscape Architecture from Cornell University.

I'm from…
Central Massachusetts

In drawn to design because…
For me it’s a blend of art and science that pairs aesthetics with practical solutions, all to facilitate change in the world around us.

My earliest design memory is…
Drawing elaborate over-the-top fantasy treehouse designs.

My favorite aspect of working with clients is……
Understanding their vision and then collaborating on ways to realize it (or parts of it, at least!)

A place that has affected me is…
Ithaca, New York

My favorite park is…
Arches National Park, where I admired the alien landscape and learned I have a pretty serious fear of heights.

Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…

Fun Fact
I’m really good at finding four leaf clovers!